There are diverse changed variants of WhatsApp accessible on the web. In any case, they are undependable and a few renditions may contain malware. As of late, another adaptation of WhatsApp called WhatsApp Pink is making adjusts. As indicated by the portrayal of WhatsApp Pink, it will give you an upgraded rendition of WhatsApp with extra highlights. In any case, actually this WhatsApp clone application is vindictive.
The messages are being sent with a connect to download WhatsApp Pink. It requests your login data and once you join, your own information is not, at this point secure. On account of the Cybersecurity specialist Rajshekhar Rajaharia, we know this application is a cheat. He shared screen captures of the application which looks near the first WhatsApp. This is really a snare, a client may think it is genuine and can get bulldozed.
As indicated by the security specialist: "Be careful with WhatsApp Pink!! A Virus is being spread in #WhatsApp bunches with an APK download connect. Try not to click any connection with the name of WhatsApp Pink.
Complete admittance to your telephone will be lost." WhatsApp has never dispatched this particular Pink form. Tragically, in the event that you have succumbed to this snare, how would you be able to respond? All things considered, follow the means beneath